¡Bienvenidos!What makes us unique?
- Spanish/ English full immersion
- Spanish teachers from Latin America
- Montessori certified teachers
- Reading and writing in Spanish & English by kindergarten

(2 – 3.5 years)
Children strengthen both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live.
* Students can still be potty training
(3.5 – 5 years)
Children develop a love for learning with a sense of order, concentration and responsibility.
lower elementary
(5 – 8 years) (1st, 2nd & 3rd grade)
Children use the Montessori method to develop competency in the Core Standards for Kindergarten and First grade
Extended Care
(2 – 8 years)
Extended Care for Pre-Primary is 2:30 – 4:30pm
Extended Care for Primary is 7:30 – 8:30am and 2:30 – 4:30pm and over school breaks
Programs & Tuitions
Tuition Includes: Low student to teacher ratio, American Montessori Society of North America, Montessori Center certified teachers, Full Montessori Curriculum with Montessori materials, fully bilingual education and Art (all classes). All students must be potty trained, except for the pre-primary class.
Low student to teacher ratio, American Montessori Society of North America, Montessori Center certified teachers, Full Montessori Curriculum with Montessori materials, fully bilingual education and Art (all classes).
Pre-Primary program supports the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of each child. The children strengthen speech and language development in both English and Spanish, and both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live.
Program is designed to foster independence and provide a peaceful environment where each child can develop physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Dr. Montessori discovered that children under six have a universal ability to absorb knowledge from their surroundings just by living. She called this “the absorbent mind.”
Extended Care
Our Extended Care program is time for the children to play, from 7:30 – 8:30am before school and from 2:30 – 4:30pm after school. Children are welcome to bring breakfast food to eat before school, and after school care includes time for children to eat their own snack.
A Word
From the Founders
“We believe that all children can become bilingual given the right opportunities. Starting children by the age of two in a full-immersion Montessori classroom facilitates the process of absorbing the second language as another native language.
Our full-immersion classrooms are guided by native Spanish speakers, born and raised in Latin America, Montessori Certified and with a minimum of three years of Montessori experience. Our staff’s love for teaching, along with their positive and joyful energy, allows students to learn a second language in a positive and peaceful atmosphere.
As your child progresses through each level, the curriculum builds on his/ her prior experience, providing an uninterrupted continuum of education. A commitment of 5 to 6 years is necessary for your child to become bilingual. However, you can expect your child to read, write and speak Spanish in the present tense and first person by the end of his/her kindergarten year.
Join us today to create opportunities for your child’s future.”
– Ms. Mariela and Ms. Natalie
The Choice Is Easy! Arizona Private School Tax Credit Provides A Way For You To Direct Tax Dollars Towards Your Child’s Bilingual Montessori Education At Casa Del Niño Bilingual Montessori School.
Students currently enrolled
After School programs
Families Part of our community
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 2625 W. Queen Creek Road, Suite 6 • Chandler, AZ 85248
Telephone: (480) 963 2550
Text: (480) 438-5841
Email: director@
School Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 3:30pm